TCGS Event III Photos

Take a look at some of the fun we had in Portland, Maine on August 1 – 4, 2014

Meet & Greet

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Attending The Cat Grooming Symposium is a unique and rewarding experience for groomers at every stage of their career. While the occasional single cat lecture might be featured at even the largest trade shows, typically the classes are mostly geared toward dog grooming professionals.
The cat grooming niche is rapidly growing as more groomers realize they can be successful working exclusively with cats. At The Cat Grooming Symposium, we’re all about cats and the groomers who love (or want to learn how to love) working with them! Dedicated to empowering others through education and support, our Cat Gurus passionately share their decades of  wit and wisdom. 

TCGS Event V early registration opens June 1, 2016